Odd World: original magazine concept

Project Brief:​​​​​​​
This project was one of my introductions to long-format design and my first time creating an original magazine. The overall goals include researching potential topics for the magazine, developing a brand persona, designing an appropriate logo, sourcing an ample number of articles with focus on 2 feature articles, and curating a 24-page magazine of content relevant to the chosen topic. The result was a unique culmination of oddities presented in a tasteful and inclusive tone.
Results from research turned out some beautiful examples of oddities. This created a unique visual standard across all branded elements in the magazine. My dive into this offbeat world led me to Jayne Perry. Jayne is a real person and is a huge proponent to all things odd and curious. She was the perfect candidate to be the poster child for Odd World’s branding. A true oddity enthusiast.

I learned a hard lesson about saving as you go for this logo. When it came time to present my logo to my peers, I found out that nothing had saved and had to start over from a general idea. Logo progression for this brand shows how I dialed back the scale and kept some unique details that would help push the brand.

These are two of the first cover concepts I was experimenting with. I felt the first iteration was too spooky and ominous and the second too far into the strange side.

I settled on this cover in the end as the smug look on the clowns face created the interest I was looking for.

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